Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bonfire of the Brands

Found at Shaykh Faraz Rabbani's blog

From the BBC

Where some boys had posters of footballers or movie stars on their walls, I had images of trainers and turntables - to be surrounded by these names made me feel better about myself, transforming me from my humdrum middle class life in south London suburbia.

But in less than a month's time, I am going to burn every branded thing in my possession. Gucci shoes, Habitat chairs, even Simple soap. I have reached the point in my life where I can no longer be around these things, no matter how special they make me feel. Yes, it is going to be a terrible waste, yes I'll no doubt feel lost when they're gone, but at this moment in time, it seems the only thing I can do.

For more info on the insidious nature of brand-based capitalism, read Culture Jam by Kalle Lasn


Watch the PBS Frontline program The Persuaders

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