Monday, October 23, 2006

Radical Islam finds US 'sterile ground'

From the Christian Science Monitor

NEW YORK – The Islamist radicalism that inspired young Muslims to attack their own countries - in London, Madrid, and Bali - has not yielded similar incidents in the United States, at least so far.

"Home-grown" terror cells remain a concern of US law officers, who cite several disrupted plots since 9/11. But the suspects' unsophisticated planning and tiny numbers have led some security analysts to conclude that America, for all its imperfections, is not fertile ground for producing jihadist terrorists.

To understand why, experts point to people like Omar Jaber, an AmeriCorps volunteer; Tarek Radwan, a human rights advocate; and Hala Kotb, a consultant on Middle East affairs. They are the face of young Muslim-Americans today - educated, motivated, and integrated into society - and their voices help explain how the nation's history of inclusion has helped to defuse sparks of Islamist extremism.

1 comment:

jordan robinson said...

Wa 'Alaykum As-Salam and Eid Mubarak to you too!

May God, Most High, accept our fasting and our deeds and allow us another Ramadan in which to seek mercy and nearness to His Majesty.

I am really heartened by the Christian Science Monitor's reporting of the Muslim-American experience since the horrific attacks of Sept. 11. They have done a good job in allowing Muslims to assert what they are rather than what they are not, namely against terrorism, as we must be.

This is another good story, alhumdulilah, although I do take issue with the term "Radical Islam" and other buzzwords that have received scant attention from journalists regarding their appropriateness in helping to explain the myriad contemporary issues we are all grappling with.

Radicalism, I don't think, is necessarily bad. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was certainly considered a radical by many who didn't dare question segregation or racial discrimination during his time.

And as you said, may God, the Mighty and Majestic, protect us from extremism and give us strength during these trying times to remain steadfast on the path of mercy, forgiveness, and moderation.